How to fix sticky guitar neck
Thanks for checking out my blog. Today I’m going to run you through ‘how to fix sticky guitar neck’.
So, after years and years my strat had fallen down the ranks in my guitar collection. It just wasn’t that fun to play anymore and the neck was really sticky. I started playing other guitars a lot more and before I knew it, I hadn’t played it for months. At the same time, my ongoing guitar obsession was starting to lean towards a sonic blue Reverend guitar. For more on ‘Should I buy a new guitar’ click here.
As I perved over the Reverend and many other blue guitars I looked up on the wall and saw my Sonic Blue Strat, looking sadly back at me. ‘Help me’ I heard it say, I felt pity… and I knew I had to help the attention-starved beast.
Now, I’m not the world’s number one guitar tech. So, I called the absolute best guitar guy in Sydney Les Rankin and asked his advice. Knowing my level of hopelessness, Les said ‘Bring it in, I’ll fix it up in no time’.
After the neck had been de-sticked, I thought that I really could have done that with a guide and some pictures. And that is how, dear reader, you are here. I thought I’d write a blog to help you guys (and to remind myself next time I encounter this problem).
Since it has been done, it’s like having a new guitar on the rack, I am re-falling in love with one of my oldest guitars and I’ve saved over $800 on not buying that sonic blue Reverend.
How to fix sticky guitar neck
You will need
– Shellite
– Screwdriver
– Scotch Brite (Red & Grey)
– 600 grit wed and dry sandpaper
– Masking tape
– Elbow grease
Step 1
Detune the strings and remove them from the machine heads.
Step 2
Unbolt your neck (if it’s a strat/tele etc)
Step 3
Clean the back of the neck with Shellite. You don’t want any of that hand detritus on there – sweat, grime and dead skin be gone!
Step 4
Mask off the bits of the neck you don’t want to sand.
Step 5
Scotch brite time. Start with your red scotch brite and gently de-gloss the back of the neck. Don’t push too hard! A nice smooth action is best.
Step 6
Have a feel, how is it? Feel like that’s smooth enough? No? Could be a bit smoother? Go for the grey ScotchBrite. If after using the grey ScotchBrite that isn’t enough, grab the 600 grit sandpaper and repeat.
Step 7
Hey presto! That’s it. Re-attach the guitar to the body and put the strings back on the heads.
Step 8
Play your ‘new’ guitar.
Hope that helps – I’m always open to feedback or blog ideas. Shoot me an email anytime.